Auto Accident Injury Chiropractor

Each year there are over two million drivers and passengers injured in car accidents in the U.S. But, this number may be grossly underestimated, because often accident victims do not seek auto injury treatment until weeks after the accident. A car accident injury could take weeks to manifest, especially soft tissue injuries. Even at low speeds, a person could suffer from severe muscle strains, sprains, whiplash and more. The symptoms that occur from a car accident injury may not be associated with the accident itself, such as headaches, anxiety, fatigue or even irritability.

Unfortunately back pain and other accident injuries are often not treated properly – typically due to inaccurate diagnosis at the time of injury. This is because patients are frequently turned away from care because they were involved in an auto accident.

Immediate Trearment For Car Accident Injury

Immediately after an accident, seek medical treatment from an ER physician or Urgent Care Clinic, but then also schedule an appointment with one of Houston Injury Solutions Network’s accident chiropractors or medical providers. An immediate examination can diagnose any hidden injuries – including those that are not causing pain yet.

Proper treatment and rehabilitation can reduce pain, help you recover and of course, return to your normal range of motion. The auto injury chiropractors and medical providers at Houston Injury Solutions Network use state-of-the-art equipment and have staff ready to implement a personalized treatment program to accommodate any type of accident injury.

Symptoms of Auto Injury

Often accident victims do not realize they are suffering from an accident injury. The quick whipping of the neck and head cause muscles and ligaments to tear and become damaged. Over time, you may begin to suffer from symptoms, which include:

  • Frequent Headaches or Migraines
  • Fatigue
  • Jaw Pain
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Continuous Pain or Stiffness in the Shoulders, Arms, Neck, Back
  • Chronic Pain
  • Pinched Nerves

Contact Us for Auto Injury Chiropractors In Houston

Getting treatment right away yields the best chance of recovery. The accident chiropractors and medical providers at Houston Injury Solutions Network are here to help you get on the road to recover. Contact a provider in your area today.

We work with insurance agencies, attorneys and third parties to ensure your treatment is paid for. Contact us today for a no obligation consultation with our auto injury treatment centers.


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